Once again it's Sunday! I woke up super late. Actually it was the first time in a long time that I wake and I don't know what time it is? I wanted to check the time on my cell phone but it was in the living room and I was too lazy to go and get it. There is a reason why I left it in the living room! So thinking in bed was good and bad. I realized that I'm actually slowly losing everybody I love around me and starting to be alone. I hate the feeling of being alone. I keep thinking why I'm about to lose the people I care for and ended up in the point where I started. It's mostly because I'm too honest and refuse to change what I am today. I basically refuse to judge people upon nothing. I believe I have to know the person to be able to make judgments. Those people who are judgmental have possibly everything they need and no matter what nobody can oppose that. Then why is so hard for them to accept the fact that the other people are decent in the way they are? Is it because they are afraid of being picked on? Weird!! I thought they didn't care about the others opinions especially those who they already made their mind upon. Anywhoo, I love them and I wish they accept the others!
I got up off bed after 1 hour of thinking and checked the time and I was surprised to see that it's already 2 PM. I went to wash-up and was surprised that there is no tooth paste! Sucks! I gathered my things and headed to the car. I turned the car on and got a bigger surprise that there is no gas! Sucks again!! I got gas and the things I need. Then the figuring out a place to eat was a hassle. I ended up in the parking lot of the grocery store thinking for a quite time and I spotted McDonald's thinking that I hate fast food but in the same time it's sometimes tasty :P. I went to McDonald's and ordered the least thing that has fat and ate it.....
I came back home not feeling so good and started to do what I do everyday, smoke Hookah (sheesha). After I finished started getting ready to go the gym.
I went to the gym and the work out I got was very good I felt the blood all over my shoulders. I'm actually starting to believe that working out while being in a crabby mood gives the best outcomes. I left the gym and started texting random people and ended planning a tanning out in the sun day with Nissa :). That should be fun! I am really looking forward to it.
I never thought that this Sunday would ever be a story but guess what it is and it's a boring one! I just wanted to kill some time and I'm posting it no matter what =). Yea I'm thinking about going to the beach and watching the sun rise!
It's now July 21, 2008, 3:46 AM (Seattle's Time)
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