We are human being are striving to be happy. We do the impossible to be happy. Sometimes we lose hope and put a tragical ends to our lives. Sometimes we use drugs to make us lose the ability to feel anything, just to be a fraction closer to happiness.
In fact whatever we do is never enough. We always want more!
We look back at mental pictures from the past that we think we were happy in and ignore all the bad colors in it. Like it was perfect and we say "That was FUN" and wish these days come back. Living this picture did it come to our minds that we might remember this moment later and reminisce it?
In that past moment, we didn't realize that we were happy because of human's greed.
I think maybe I'm happy right now with what I have but my brain just refuse it.
Tuesday, November 11th, 2008
12:51 AM
Spokane, WA